Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

Contoh Tips dalam Bahasa Inggris (How to Be Rich)

How to Be Rich at Young Age

                Almost everyone in this world wants to be rich. Because by becoming a rich person can make us live well and also make us have more opportunities to share and help other people.
                In this century, not only adults who can become rich. Nowadays there are lots of young entrepreneurs who take the opportunity well and become rich. You don’t need to work for decades to be a rich person because you can start everything from now. So, here’s some tips for you if you want to be rich:

1.      Create a vision about your career and future job
If you still don’t know the path that you’ll take to be rich, it’s better to decide your future job and career now. Having a clear vision about what you’ll do to be rich will make you have more spirits to chase your dream. If necessary, you can write down your dream on a paper and stick it to a place that’s easy for you to see.
2.      Choose education that suits your interest and talent
Succesful people tends to steeped what they like the most in their life. So in order to achieve your dream, you need to choose education that suits your passion. Education is very important if you want to achieve your dream.
3.       Save 20% of your total income 
Saving your money is very important. You need to save at least 20% of your income. Don’t ever shop or travel with this money. You can start investing from this money and also you can use this money for unexpected events.
4.       Try to start your own business, take the risks
It’s very rare to find people who can be a millionaire by become an employee for their lifetime. Succesful people usually start their own business and take the risk, but it doesn’t mean that you need to quit your job. Try start a business in part-time basis first, you can do it by online. When the business starts to produce, you can focus to the business for full-time.
5.       Always pray and be thankful of what you have
Prayer and work are two sides that can’t be separated. Although success isn’t guaranteed but prayer is certainly a hope for it. And also you need to be thankful of what you have because it’s a key to the Happiness.
6.       Start investing in the Stock Market
According to some opinions, the best possible investment for young people who just have their own income is an investment fund. Through this investment scheme, you can buy mutual fund shares ranging from IDR 100.000,00. This investment also proved to be quite safe compared to the other investment schemes because in this investment you will be accompanied by an experienced Investment Manager. He/She will set up where your money will be invested.
7.       Start taking insurance for self protection
Save your money (apart from the previous 20%) to purchase health insurance. Health fund is an unexpected fund that can make your savings depleted if you don’t prepare well. Better save a few hundred rupiahs per month to avoid sudden losses that can come toward you unexpectedly.
8.       Don’t be easily tempted by new technologies
Young people are usually very easy to be tempted by new technologies, especially in gadget. So, you need to hold yourself from desire to follow technologies that have no end. It’s better to save or invest your money rather than spend it for an unecessary thing.
9.       Don’t be afraid to life difficulty
There’s no succes built in overnight. Don’t be afraid to work with low salaries. Don’t be afraid to live in a simple rented house. Don’t be afraid to not have a nice car and use public transportation instead in order to invest. Remember that you’re trying to live a bit hard for the sake of wealth that you’ll enjoy in the future.
10.   Work Hard, Work Smart!
Although you’ve invested and got a proper education, but if you don’t have fighting spirit then say goodbye to the wealth. It wont come. So, while you’re still young, maximize your time and focus on your work. Use the existing technology to help your work. And start increase the connections and relationships in the business world.
11.   Always pray and be thankful of what you have
Prayer and work are two sides that can’t be separated. Although success isn’t guaranteed but prayer is certainly a hope for it. And also you need to be thankful of what you have because it’s a key to the Happiness. 

1 komentar:

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